Javascript Practice [closed]

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Hello, I'm learning JavaScript from a book by David Flanagan, but I really don't have enough practice, what can you advise on this?

Author: Lolipop, 2013-02-11

7 answers

In my opinion, it is quite interesting to program all sorts of graphics: repeating patterns, pseudo-random elements. Try to write different sketches, the results of which will be pictures. To do this, you may need a library for working with SVG, e.g. Raphael (on the same page examples for inspiration), or D3js.

Author: Sergiks, 2013-02-11 12:32:36

I do not know this book and am not a developer with experience. But I will try to complete the training of this online tutorial:

There are many examples, explanations, and tips to use.

Author: BogolyubskiyAlexey, 2013-02-11 01:29:51

Write a 3d snake using three.js

Author: , 2013-02-11 09:00:04

Try to create whatever you want to experiment with. Something is not working!? Look for a solution to the problem (by the way, here is a great place to do this or Google) For example, I started with tic-tac-toe and now I'm developing the WebWin API ...

Author: Rules, 2013-02-11 06:54:04

In our time, learning javascript and not pulling up html, css and popular frameworks (in the style of jQuery) is simply pointless. Therefore, in parallel with the book, I recommend going to the Code Academy and methodically working through the lessons to develop automatism.

Author: KoVadim, 2013-02-11 08:11:59


Here's a lot of practice.

Author: markuper, 2013-02-11 09:14:48

Solve programming problems. You are unlikely to find tasks in JavaScript. You can search for tasks in languages that are similar in syntax to JavaScript. For example, Ruby, Java.

Author: Lucky, 2013-02-11 11:56:35