Simple Java 2d tableau labyrinthe échantillon

Je travaille ou je comprends comment créer un simple labyrinthe java 2d cela devrait ressembler à ceci:

int [][] maze = 
{ {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},


Ceux qui ont été créés l'idée est de définir un point de départ et un point d'objectif et en utilisant la profondeur récursive, trouvez d'abord le chemin. mais je dois dire que j'ai des difficultés à créer le labyrinthe.

Avez - vous des suggestions sur la façon de le faire?
Ou peut-être un lien vers un tutoriel?
L'objectif principal pour moi en ce moment est juste de créer le labyrinthe.

Author: nazar_art, 2014-02-17

2 answers

L'implémentation de Maze a beaucoup de variations.

Tout dépend des aspects que vous souhaitez utiliser?

Voici un point de départ Algorithme de génération de labyrinthe.

J'ai essayé de résoudre ce problème dans le passé. Au lieu de beaucoup de mots comment j'ai essayé cela, je suppose pour montrer l'extrait de code.

Générateur de labyrinthe code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Random;

public class MyMaze {
  private int dimensionX, dimensionY; // dimension of maze
  private int gridDimensionX, gridDimensionY; // dimension of output grid
  private char[][] grid; // output grid
  private Cell[][] cells; // 2d array of Cells
  private Random random = new Random(); // The random object

  // initialize with x and y the same
  public MyMaze(int aDimension) {
      // Initialize
      this(aDimension, aDimension);
  // constructor
  public MyMaze(int xDimension, int yDimension) {
      dimensionX = xDimension;
      dimensionY = yDimension;
      gridDimensionX = xDimension * 4 + 1;
      gridDimensionY = yDimension * 2 + 1;
      grid = new char[gridDimensionX][gridDimensionY];

  private void init() {
      // create cells
      cells = new Cell[dimensionX][dimensionY];
      for (int x = 0; x < dimensionX; x++) {
          for (int y = 0; y < dimensionY; y++) {
              cells[x][y] = new Cell(x, y, false); // create cell (see Cell constructor)

  // inner class to represent a cell
  private class Cell {
    int x, y; // coordinates
    // cells this cell is connected to
    ArrayList<Cell> neighbors = new ArrayList<>();
    // solver: if already used
    boolean visited = false;
    // solver: the Cell before this one in the path
    Cell parent = null;
    // solver: if used in last attempt to solve path
    boolean inPath = false;
    // solver: distance travelled this far
    double travelled;
    // solver: projected distance to end
    double projectedDist;
    // impassable cell
    boolean wall = true;
    // if true, has yet to be used in generation
    boolean open = true;
    // construct Cell at x, y
    Cell(int x, int y) {
        this(x, y, true);
    // construct Cell at x, y and with whether it isWall
    Cell(int x, int y, boolean isWall) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.wall = isWall;
    // add a neighbor to this cell, and this cell as a neighbor to the other
    void addNeighbor(Cell other) {
        if (!this.neighbors.contains(other)) { // avoid duplicates
        if (!other.neighbors.contains(this)) { // avoid duplicates
    // used in updateGrid()
    boolean isCellBelowNeighbor() {
        return this.neighbors.contains(new Cell(this.x, this.y + 1));
    // used in updateGrid()
    boolean isCellRightNeighbor() {
        return this.neighbors.contains(new Cell(this.x + 1, this.y));
    // useful Cell representation
    public String toString() {
        return String.format("Cell(%s, %s)", x, y);
    // useful Cell equivalence
    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        if (!(other instanceof Cell)) return false;
        Cell otherCell = (Cell) other;
        return (this.x == otherCell.x && this.y == otherCell.y);
    // should be overridden with equals
    public int hashCode() {
        // random hash code method designed to be usually unique
        return this.x + this.y * 256;
  // generate from upper left (In computing the y increases down often)
  private void generateMaze() {
      generateMaze(0, 0);
  // generate the maze from coordinates x, y
  private void generateMaze(int x, int y) {
      generateMaze(getCell(x, y)); // generate from Cell
  private void generateMaze(Cell startAt) {
      // don't generate from cell not there
      if (startAt == null) return; = false; // indicate cell closed for generation
      ArrayList<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>();

      while (!cells.isEmpty()) {
          Cell cell;
          // this is to reduce but not completely eliminate the number
          //   of long twisting halls with short easy to detect branches
          //   which results in easy mazes
          if (random.nextInt(10)==0)
              cell = cells.remove(random.nextInt(cells.size()));
          else cell = cells.remove(cells.size() - 1);
          // for collection
          ArrayList<Cell> neighbors = new ArrayList<>();
          // cells that could potentially be neighbors
          Cell[] potentialNeighbors = new Cell[]{
              getCell(cell.x + 1, cell.y),
              getCell(cell.x, cell.y + 1),
              getCell(cell.x - 1, cell.y),
              getCell(cell.x, cell.y - 1)
          for (Cell other : potentialNeighbors) {
              // skip if outside, is a wall or is not opened
              if (other==null || other.wall || ! continue;
          if (neighbors.isEmpty()) continue;
          // get random cell
          Cell selected = neighbors.get(random.nextInt(neighbors.size()));
          // add as neighbor
 = false; // indicate cell closed for generation
  // used to get a Cell at x, y; returns null out of bounds
  public Cell getCell(int x, int y) {
      try {
          return cells[x][y];
      } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // catch out of bounds
          return null;

  public void solve() {
      // default solve top left to bottom right
      this.solve(0, 0, dimensionX - 1, dimensionY -1);
  // solve the maze starting from the start state (A-star algorithm)
  public void solve(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) {
      // re initialize cells for path finding
      for (Cell[] cellrow : this.cells) {
          for (Cell cell : cellrow) {
              cell.parent = null;
              cell.visited = false;
              cell.inPath = false;
              cell.travelled = 0;
              cell.projectedDist = -1;
      // cells still being considered
      ArrayList<Cell> openCells = new ArrayList<>();
      // cell being considered
      Cell endCell = getCell(endX, endY);
      if (endCell == null) return; // quit if end out of bounds
      { // anonymous block to delete start, because not used later
          Cell start = getCell(startX, startY);
          if (start == null) return; // quit if start out of bounds
          start.projectedDist = getProjectedDistance(start, 0, endCell);
          start.visited = true;
      boolean solving = true;
      while (solving) {
          if (openCells.isEmpty()) return; // quit, no path
          // sort openCells according to least projected distance
          Collections.sort(openCells, new Comparator<Cell>(){
              public int compare(Cell cell1, Cell cell2) {
                  double diff = cell1.projectedDist - cell2.projectedDist;
                  if (diff > 0) return 1;
                  else if (diff < 0) return -1;
                  else return 0;
          Cell current = openCells.remove(0); // pop cell least projectedDist
          if (current == endCell) break; // at end
          for (Cell neighbor : current.neighbors) {
              double projDist = getProjectedDistance(neighbor,
                      current.travelled + 1, endCell);
              if (!neighbor.visited || // not visited yet
                      projDist < neighbor.projectedDist) { // better path
                  neighbor.parent = current;
                  neighbor.visited = true;
                  neighbor.projectedDist = projDist;
                  neighbor.travelled = current.travelled + 1;
                  if (!openCells.contains(neighbor))
      // create path from end to beginning
      Cell backtracking = endCell;
      backtracking.inPath = true;
      while (backtracking.parent != null) {
          backtracking = backtracking.parent;
          backtracking.inPath = true;
  // get the projected distance
  // (A star algorithm consistent)
  public double getProjectedDistance(Cell current, double travelled, Cell end) {
      return travelled + Math.abs(current.x - end.x) + 
              Math.abs(current.y - current.x);

  // draw the maze
  public void updateGrid() {
      char backChar = ' ', wallChar = 'X', cellChar = ' ', pathChar = '*';
      // fill background
      for (int x = 0; x < gridDimensionX; x ++) {
          for (int y = 0; y < gridDimensionY; y ++) {
              grid[x][y] = backChar;
      // build walls
      for (int x = 0; x < gridDimensionX; x ++) {
          for (int y = 0; y < gridDimensionY; y ++) {
              if (x % 4 == 0 || y % 2 == 0)
                  grid[x][y] = wallChar;
      // make meaningful representation
      for (int x = 0; x < dimensionX; x++) {
          for (int y = 0; y < dimensionY; y++) {
              Cell current = getCell(x, y);
              int gridX = x * 4 + 2, gridY = y * 2 + 1;
              if (current.inPath) {
                  grid[gridX][gridY] = pathChar;
                  if (current.isCellBelowNeighbor())
                      if (getCell(x, y + 1).inPath) {
                          grid[gridX][gridY + 1] = pathChar;
                          grid[gridX + 1][gridY + 1] = backChar;
                          grid[gridX - 1][gridY + 1] = backChar;
                      } else {
                          grid[gridX][gridY + 1] = cellChar;
                          grid[gridX + 1][gridY + 1] = backChar;
                          grid[gridX - 1][gridY + 1] = backChar;
                  if (current.isCellRightNeighbor())
                      if (getCell(x + 1, y).inPath) {
                          grid[gridX + 2][gridY] = pathChar;
                          grid[gridX + 1][gridY] = pathChar;
                          grid[gridX + 3][gridY] = pathChar;
                      } else {
                          grid[gridX + 2][gridY] = cellChar;
                          grid[gridX + 1][gridY] = cellChar;
                          grid[gridX + 3][gridY] = cellChar;
              } else {
                  grid[gridX][gridY] = cellChar;
                  if (current.isCellBelowNeighbor()) {
                      grid[gridX][gridY + 1] = cellChar;
                      grid[gridX + 1][gridY + 1] = backChar;
                      grid[gridX - 1][gridY + 1] = backChar;
                  if (current.isCellRightNeighbor()) {
                      grid[gridX + 2][gridY] = cellChar;
                      grid[gridX + 1][gridY] = cellChar;
                      grid[gridX + 3][gridY] = cellChar;

  // simply prints the map
  public void draw() {
  // forms a meaningful representation
  public String toString() {
      String output = "";
      for (int y = 0; y < gridDimensionY; y++) {
          for (int x = 0; x < gridDimensionX; x++) {
              output += grid[x][y];
          output += "\n";
      return output;

  // run it
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      MyMaze maze = new MyMaze(20);

Ce n'est pas la meilleure solution, ma tâche en ce moment était d'implémenter cet algorithme par moi-même. Il a clair commentaire.


X * X ********* X ***** X   X       X
X * X * XXXXX * X * X * X   X   X   X
X ***** X ***** X * X * X   X   X   X
X       X ***** X * X * X       X   X
X   X       X ***** X *             X
X ***************** X ***** X       X
X ***** X       X ********* X   X   X
X ***** X         ***** X     ***** X
X ************* X * X * X ***** X * X
X             ***** X ***** X     * X

J'espère que ce sera utile comme illustration d'une solution.

Author: nazar_art, 2017-03-18 09:51:01

Si je comprends bien votre question, ce que je ferais est: 1. créez un tableau d'une taille spécifique (modifiez toutes les coordonnées à votre numéro souhaité - dans votre exemple '1'). Je n'utiliserais pas de fonction récursive, car vous finirez probablement par dessiner l'ensemble du tableau (pensez à ce qui arrêtera la récursivité).

Vous pouvez créer une fonction qui reçoit une coordination de départ, une coordination de fin, et le tableau (le conseil). pseudo code de la fonction: définir une variable pour la direction suivante de la peinture (réglez-la sur la coordination de départ). peignez la coordination suivante 0. alors que la prochaine coordination != à la coordination finale: peignez la coordination suivante 0. utilisez Random pour définir la coordination sur l'une des 4 directions.

Vous devez ajouter des limites (si la coordination suivante est une coordination peinte/la bordure du labyrinthe, etc... choisi une coordination différente). Bonne chance!

Author: Barak Yaari, 2014-02-16 21:43:23