
Come convertire php-script in Java?

Un'app invia richieste HTTP all'API Bringg. Voglio usare la funzionalità in Android, quindi ho bisogno di ottenere il codice ... ror 1 : ", error.getMessage()); } }); RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this); queue.add(req);

Java Android app surriscaldamento

Negli ultimi mesi ho avuto un problema con le app che ho creato per Android. Sembra che dopo un tempo relativamente basso di ... lvere nella mia app? Se ci sono ulteriori informazioni necessarie per risolvere questo problema, per favore fatemelo sapere.

Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError a com.mysamples.jsonparsingdemo2.MainActivity Mov MovieAdapter.getView (

Sto cercando di analizzare l'oggetto json ma appare ancora l'errore. ecco il codice dal principaleattività.Java: Gli stati ... xecute(""); } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } }

Come posso accedere a una variabile da un'altra classe?

Non sono con il mio computer di programmazione in questo momento, quindi non posso pubblicare il codice. Ho preso lezioni onl ... ale a 1. Classe Due: // Il nome della classe è "ClassTwo" //Voglio che il mio nuovo int, myNewInt, sia uguale a a myNum.

Esegui l'attività gradle JavaExec in Android Gradle Plagin?

Provo a creare un'attività gradle con il tipo JavaExec. Nella documentazione gradle ho trovato che ho bisogno di aply plugin ... asse Forse ho bisogno di impostare la variabile classpath? Come posso ottenere classpath nel modulo Java in Android Studio?

Errore Mapbox Android SDK-java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Non ha trovato la classe " com.cartina.Android.telemetria.Cartaboxtelemetria"

Ho aggiunto mapbox sdk al progetto Android esistente tramite download diretto ( ... n)); Apprezzo che qualcuno possa aiutarmi a risolvere questo problema problema, grazie molti dei vostri commenti e feedback.

I can't find the right approach to learning Java and developing for Android

I'm a novice programmer, I'm learning Java and I want to learn Android development. The problem is that I can't find the righ ... ndroid app development campaign, or to study the whole theory of Java,and then start developing something in Android Studio?

How do I find out and change the java version in Android Studio?

In Intelij IDEA, you can do this by going to Progect Structure-Progect (if, of course, I correctly interpret what I see): But in Android Studio, when you follow the same path, there is a completely different information:

The program is not displayed on the emulator screen in Android Studio 1.0

Hello! When running a program in Android Studio 1.0 using the emulator, the program is not displayed on the emulator screen. ... packageDebug UP-TO-DATE :app:zipalignDebug UP-TO-DATE :app:assembleDebug UP-TO-DATE BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 22.603 secs

Stringer Java Obfuscator connect in Android Studio

Hello, I took a trial of such a product as "Stringer Java Obfuscator", but now I've been trying to use its plugin for an hour ... Java Obfuscator so that applications are compiled already obsufitsirovannye. Link to this miracle Stringer Java Obfuscator

Android Studio and Java

Hi) I know Python well, and as soon as I realized that I wanted to try to make my own application, I decided to study this to ... it, in others they just download it and that's it, without any Java. Are there any people familiar with this? Please help me.

Java covertation in Kotlin: why does the resulting code not work?

I'm studying Android development from the book "Head First. Programming for Android", while trying to translate all the examp ... id.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 

JAVA Global variables

There are two activitiesin the first one, the value is put in the variable. In the second activity, you need to get this valu ... rted it reassigns this variable and in the second activitie you can directly access this variable. How to implement this ?

Error in the java code. (android app)

In one of the folders of the application for android there is a file (or rather several files) in the same error - " Unknown ... se example, here is the line of code: setContentView(R.layout.confirm); Where R is the error. Please tell me how to fix

Java. Universal class for processing different types of objects

I'm writing a game. The question is simple and concerns the basics, such as abstraction and possibly templates. There is an ... his case, the access will only be to the functions specified in the most basic interface - to Update (dt) and getter-setters.

Methods with " unresolved reference "(translated from java to kotlin)

When translating an application from Java to Kotlin, some Java methods are highlighted in red by Android Studio and explained ... methods - everything works now, but in the future it may lead to breakage? Or does it just affect the" beauty " of the code?

How to fix java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity error

I'm making my first app in Android studio and I don't understand anything about it. There are two Activities, and one of them ... eInit$  at 

Get the current android time and date

In the application, you need to display the date and time in two separate textviews. I have already tried everything I could ... ork by interfering. If someone has encountered similar problems or knows how to solve mine, I will be grateful for your help.

Display the current date

The question is probably stupid and will seem frivolous to many, but I have to ask it, because I did not find a solution myse ... TextView in this form: A number.Try it.Year (example: 27.04.2017). An important caveat: it should work on API 19 and higher.

Installing the Android SDK (java.exe not found) with the JDK already installed

Hi, everybody, Before installing the Android SDK, I installed the JDK. The problem occurs when installing the SDK, namely: J ... That is, it requests the installation of the JDK when the JDK is already installed Tell me, please, what can be the solution?