
Splitting a file into n java parts

You need to split the file (usually an archive) into a certain number of parts. I found a ready-made working version in c#, b ... lBytes(fiPart.FullName); fsSource.Write(bytePart, 0, bytePart.Length); } fsSource.Close(); }

What's the point of writing QueueSize | 0? (javascript)

I'm rewriting code javascript in C#. And I can't understand what is the meaning of writing queueSize | 0 in the expression: ... ion or does such an expression queueSize | 0 have some meaning ? I can't understand it. I studied javascript for a long time.

The difference between C# and Java [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... sses, and so on again. Maybe there is some comparative article or material describing the differences between these languages

Which server language should I choose if I'm going to become a javascript expert? [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... into the past (or am I wrong?), I like Java, but this language has so many different hypostases that I get lost. Maybe C#?