
How do I start a timer counter in JavaScript?

There is a simple timer that should decrease when the page starts. For some reason, it does not decrease. Perhaps js is spell ... padding: 10px; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; background: #ccc; } <div class="timer">60</div>

Changing the background color to a gradient by clicking JavaScript

There is a block with a test that changes the background color when you click on the buttons. How to set a color in JS so tha ... left"> <div class="ml">Courses</div> </a> </li> </p>

Connecting css and javascript to the site

Usually css and javascript are connected like this <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Nexus</title ... > If this is possible, in which tag is it better to do this and in general can there be problems with such a connection?

How to save and pass parameters to another page via JavaScript

Hello everyone. I write about the fact that: there are two files index and index2, on 1 file there are 4 blocks, when you cli ... ndex.html"><input type="submit" name="knopka" value="Ok"></a> </div> </body> </html>

Javascript - display: block/none

Tell me what I'm doing wrong. I want to show an element that is hidden. <div class="admincontent3" id="admincontent3"> ... -animation-delay: 1.5s; animation: seconds 1.0s forwards; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-delay: 1.5s; }

How to make a blur for background without javascript

Welcome. I can't find HOW to make the background blurry with css,I assume that it is still impossible to do it beautifully ... > <div class="cell cell-6">6</div> </div><!-- portfolio --> </div><!-- wrap -->

How do I return the previous background state for a div? Java Script

There is a div that has the value backgroundImage="url('img/q1.jpg')". After clicking on div, the image changes to hell.jpg. ... ackgroundImage; // remember original value element.style.backgroundImage = "url('img/hell.jpg')"; // set new value } }

Why doesn't JavaScript work in HTML?

A seemingly simple script with a website does not work, the path is specified correctly. HTML connection string <script ... ine"; btn.innerHTML = "-"; } else { dn.style.display = "block"; btn.innerHTML = "+"; } }

Changing the block positioning using JavaScript

The page has a block with fixed positioning. shifted to the left edge of the screen by -100%: it is necessary that after loa ... .googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="messages">Сообщение </div>

Step-by-step search of the array in both directions by clicking javascript

Hello. I need help with the following question: I needed to write a script that, when entering the css selector, applies the ... break; } }; </script> I would be grateful for a hint in what I have a mistake. Thanks.

How to create HTML (+CSS) pages in Java?

I am interested in a library for creating HTML with adding data to it via variables (something like Thymeleaf or HTMLFlow). ... ly Thymeleaf comes with Spring. P.S. The sample code is just an example. In my case, I need this to create a schedule table.

CSS grid + javascript (error)

Good night. There is a header that is collapsed on the CSS grid. The header contains a burger menu that pops up at a resoluti ... a href="#">ОТЗЫВЫ</a> <a href="#">БЛОГ</a> <a href="#">КОНТАКТЫ</a> </div>

img slider in java script

Hello everyone I write code for a slide in a certain diva. I can't replace the picture. What could be the problem in this ... ически <div class="home-content" id = "home-page"> Home </div> </div>