
HashMap Method Signatures

Why does the put method take as input key a parameter of the K type: public V put(K key, V value) And the get method takes ... d not K? After all, it's somehow ugly, or something (different style)... and this should probably have some special meaning.

Generics in Java

Is it possible in theory to detect an incorrect conversion of an object of one class to an object of another at the compilati ... rics used for? Are they used to help the compiler determine the class of an object and thus speed up the compilation process?

Java generics. What is the difference between wildcard() and parameterized types ()?

T is a type that is arbitrary and, when erased, is transformed into an Object-a superclass of all classes in Java. ? "is it ... T extends Number and ? extends Number? After all, if they were the same, then the meaning of enter them into the language...

What is generics methods in Java?

In the Collections class, I came across this entry public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(Lis ... may seem so, I know what and how generalizations are used for classes, I was not aware of using generalizations for methods)

How do I create a template that inherits from a class (JAVA, CPP)?

I want to understand if there is a possibility in cpp to make a generic type inherit some class(since there are no interfaces ... is, I know for sure that the object that will be served to me as a type will have the method I need How do I do this in cpp?