
intellij idea can't download javax.servlet dependency.servlet:servlet-api: 3.0.1

Intellij idea can't download the javax.servlet dependency. servlet:servlet-api: 3.0.1 Is loading, then disappears, but the dependency is still red. I found this jar archive on the Internet and downloaded it. Can I somehow manually connect it? ?

How to convert to files.kt?

I read it here article. It says that it is simply converted. But I didn't find the menu responsible for conversion in IDEA. How to implement this?

ActionListener when working with Java Swing

It is necessary that when you click on the button, the color of the textfield changes... But it is necessary that the conditi ... Dialog(null, "Номер успешно забронирован!"); roomField1.setBackground(new Color(204, 0, 0)); } } });

Java IOException: CreateProcess error=2

when clicking on test connection CreateProcess error=2, Не удается найти указанный файл. com.intellij.e ... eption, I already checked the Path variable and can't find a solution to this problem. I write in Java. Thank you in advance.

Relative file path in IntelliJ IDEA

If you specify the path to the file E:\\IdeaProjects\\MyProject\\01\\src\\main\\java\\org\\Council\\test.txt The idea sees ... ied, to no avail I tried to put the file next to it, in the same directory, also does not work. the search tips did not help

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Please help me solve it. the problem - for the third day I suffer. I've already reinstalled the Idea, rebooted the jdk, and c ... For the test, I run the simplest program, but, all the same. returns the same error. [![ProjectStructure[![][2]][2]][2]][3]

How to debug Java 8 streams in Intelij IDEA?

How to debug Java 8 streams in Intelij IDEA? All intermediate calls are lazy and are executed during a terminal operation, so ... e step other than the start and end. System.out. println arrange-somehow unprofessional, there are other ways out of the box?

How to "unlock" and make it file in IDEA?

I recently started using IDEA and ran into an interesting question (at least for me). I searched for the answer on search eng ... idn't find anything sensible. Perhaps I am incorrectly phrasing my question (most likely). Here's all I could find out:

Where can I run the code examples for Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java if most IDEs throw errors?

I downloaded the code folder to Github, inserted it in src in IntelliJIdea, and got several hundred compilation errors. I did ... nd I do not want to change the way you learn. Link to the code:

Error: Exception in thread "main" java. util.NoSuchElementException

Please help me solve the problem. During the execution of the program, I get this error: For input string: "5+5"Exception in ... case '-': case '*': case '/': return true; } return false; } }

Connect the OpenCV library to the maven JavaFX project on intellij Idea

A window application JavaFX is being developed in Intellij Idea based on maven - a project using the OpenCV library. Before ... searched half of the Internet - I will not find the reason for the error... What else do I need to connect or configure here?

Russian hints in the Java Developer Environment

I don't know much English, but I want to learn Java. Can you tell me if it is possible to add hints and method descriptions in Russian to the "development environment"?