
Digitale Persona U. sono.U 4500 ANSI 381 2004 per Java / Windows

In un progetto Android legacy, le impronte digitali corporative sono state prese utilizzando Digital Persona U. are.U 4500 le ... Format.ANSI_381_200. Dove posso ottenere una libreria Java / Windows per leggere una convalida queste impronte? Grazie mille.

Supporto API SDK online di Microsoft Project / REST API

Voglio creare/aggiornare il progetto in Microsoft Project online utilizzando alcuni dati di riferimento. Sono disponibili API REST o SDK? Soprattutto per i client Java?

Missing SDK for java and error "the select directory is not a valid home for JDK"

I installed intellij idea 2017.2, but when creating a project, the "Project SDK" field says "No SDK". If you click "New" and ... ). But there was an error even if there was one. Do I need to install the jre separately? Tell me, what else can I do wrong?

Installing the Android SDK (java.exe not found) with the JDK already installed

Hi, everybody, Before installing the Android SDK, I installed the JDK. The problem occurs when installing the SDK, namely: J ... That is, it requests the installation of the JDK when the JDK is already installed Tell me, please, what can be the solution?

How do I install the Java EE SDK for Eclipse?

The problem is that I seem to be very stupid, and I don't have javax available in Eclipse.* packages that, as I understand it ... ot understand how to install. Where can I find the normal version or how can I install the one offered on the Oracle website?