
Какие существуют игровые движки на Java? [закрыт]

Закрыт. Н ... aScript'е вы можете программировать в движке Unity3D. А в каком движке нужно работать, чтобы создавать игры на Java?

Javascript tasks [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: ... Closed 3 years ago. Help me find javascript tasks for beginners, preferably from real practice. Thanks.

What is Java EE?

I am studying Java SE for use in the web. I just can't figure out what the Enterprise Edition is. C SE is all clear - a set o ... ill do not understand what is happening in the world of Java EE. Can someone bring use case or write how EE can really help ?

How to parse Json in Java?

Hello! There is such a response from the server: { "p_result": "ok", "p_item": [ { "p_id": 132 ... sonObject userObject = user.getAsJsonObject(); userObject.get("p_id"); str = userObject.get("p_id").toString(); }

Why do I need a static class?

Static variables are needed to access them, without creating an instance of the class. But why do we need a static class?

Volatile and CPU caches

Hello, here is such a question. As far as I understand, Volatile variables are required to be permanently written to memory. ... But if on one core, then the cache is one and all threads write there, then the meaning of volatile? Or I don't get it right.

Help me figure out the StackTraceElement[]

Good time of day. Help us understand the essence of StackTrace. The training material provides an explanation of The Ja ... f we didn't create StackTraceElement[]. Does this mean that it is implicitly created by the JVM when the program is executed?

Practical application of Enum

I've always been concerned with the question of the Enum class: what advantages do they have over ordinary static final primitives? And, if possible, share your experience in which the use of Enum would really be justified.

The += operator in Java

Until now, I thought that the entry i += j; Is the same as i = i + j; However, if we take int i = 5; long j = 8; Tha ... hile i += j will compile without problems. Does it mean that i += j is equivalent to something like i = (type of i) (i + j)?

A normal Java get request

In Python there is a special function for get-запросов, with which you can quickly get the status and content: response = re ... ate a socket, then establish a connection, and so on. Aren't there any simple ways in Java without inventing your own bikes ?

How do I fill an array with elements from the keyboard?

An array is given. Determine the number of maximum elements in the array The first line specifies the number of array eleme ... ents into the array (as in the problem) if they are written in a string separated by a space? And then how to work with them?

Reading a local file using JavaScript

Hello! I immediately ask you not to throw your slippers-I honestly Googled, but I did not find an adequate answer... I need ... oss-browser alternative, if there is one... Actually, this is the whole question for you, experts... in the alternative...

How to divide a number into digits in JavaScript?

There is a code that performs calculations and outputs the result. rez = Math.round(numb*pay*2.1/100); $(".result p span"). ... d\d)+([^\d]|$))/g, '$1 '); $(".result p span").text(outrez); But there is no result at all. Tell me how to fix it. Thanks.

Why do I need the ThreadLocal class in Java?

Explain in general terms what it is and what it is eaten with, and then-maybe a link suitable for an example :)

Adding 2 numbers of type short in Java

So, the type short is 16 bits, from -32768 to 32767. Simple code: short x1 = 5, x2 = 38; x1 = x1 + x2; System.out.println(x ... is code, oddly enough, works without errors: short x1 = 5, x2 = 38; x1 += x2; System.out.println(x1); Output: 43 Why?

How are method references implemented in Java 8 inside the JVM?

I was wondering how method references(::) are implemented in Java 8. For comparison, I will describe how they are implemented ... rible is hidden behind them. Is this really true? Has anyone looked at what code on the JVM translates references to methods?

Proper project design in Java

Good time of day ! I want to learn how to design my applications correctly. To make the code readable for other programmers. ... code is already written, but I would call it bad code. I want to learn how to do everything right! Thanks for understanding.

JavaScript. Creating objects with private properties. How?

I delve into the OOP of JavaScript. I'm trying to figure out how to create objects with private methods and properties. In J ... hes? Under what conditions should I use one or the other, or perhaps there is a third, more universal/productive/correct one?

Getting the modulus of a number without a comparison operation

We take a simple code: void main() { int x = abs(-1); } Assembling and disassembling it: $ gcc sample.c -o sample && ... 0 sub %edx,%eax How can I get the absolute value of an integer in C/C++ without a comparison operation?

Collection of Java problems [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: ... e you can try more examples and sort out the code for each topic? Where can I download the collection of problems for JAVA?